Xingyi Spirit
The Spirit of XingYiQuan..written by Mike Patterson
The XingYi (hsing i) SPIRIT
A healthy spirit can be seen reflecting brightly through the eyes of the person who possesses it. Dull, glazed eyes denote a spirit weakened through abuse of the body and an undisciplined mind. Only through training both the body and mind can a person achieve a state of balance that is conducive to creating a brightly glowing spirit, strengthened through the harmony of the mind and body.
The most important thing to remember for the practice of XingYiQuan is "a serene heart Hsin and a sharp, concentrated mind Yi," which allows the nerve centers to attune, improving the ability to efficiently coordinate the functions of the various organ systems of the body.
Relaxation (Sung) of the whole body, mind and spirit, deep and natural breathing, powerful spiral-like actions centering on the waist Dan Tien, and a training method designed to convey one's inner energy Chi to the tips of the limbs by use of intention Yi. All these aspects, when combined properly, result in harmony of the inside and outside body, unimpeded Jingluo, blood and lymphatic circulation, and improved functions of the skeletal, muscle and digestive systems.
As a result, proper Xingyi practice creates a firing pulse of the chi through the associated structures relating to each posture, and is quite suitable for both martial training and general physical fitness. It is a very direct experience with one's internal energy.