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A Site devoted to XingYi (hsingi), BaGua (pakua) and Tai Chi (taiji).

Internal Exercises

Instructional DVDs on Xingyi (hsingi), Bagua (Pa Kua), Taiji (Tai Chi).

Internal Force Dynamics Vol. 2


Internal Force Dynamics Vol. 2

Sale Price:$20.95 Original Price:$24.95
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This video is the third in the much heralded "Real Training Series", and the second of the ongoing "Internal Force Dynamics series" which focus both on the methodology and solid physics behind power cultivation in the Internal Arts. These videos can be useful to any martial artist from any style seeking to cultivate real internal ability, or, to anyone seeking to improve their body mechanics and overall kinetic potential and power. This beautifully produced twenty minute instructional video covers the root exercises, sometimes known as Hsing-I's (xingyi's) "chan ssu jin" (reeling silk) exercises which are used to train ground path connection and body linkage in the use of force. The video utilizes picture in picture, multiple angles, digital slow motion and voiceover instruction to get the information across. The video also employs digital slow motion at only 20 percent of actual live speed movement, combined with animation overlay to depict ground path movement through the legs, waist, core and limbs! This video gives a detailed, unique and overwhelmingly revealing look at internal mechanics! We have also provided a 7 Repetition "follow along" sequence, set to hard driving music, so that you can follow along with the video for a total body power training workout as well.

Running time = 20 minutes.

All performances on video are of Shrfu Mike Patterson; two time All Taiwan Full Contact Chinese Kuoshu Fighting Champion; Trainer of 37 International & World Kuoshu Full Contact Champions 1981 - 2000; Chosen as Inside Kung Fu Magazine's Hall of Fame Coach of the Year 1997.

Product Details

Format - Color, NTSC

Language - English

Region - All Regions

DVD Release Date - November 01, 2009

DVD Features -
<>Menu interfaced for easy access
<>Digitally Mastered for lossless resolution
<>Digital Slow Motion Enhancement
<>Voiceover Narration
<>Multiple Camera Angles
<>Digital Picture in Picture Enhancement