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Stallion Mountain
Las Vegas, Nevada 89122
United States

A Site devoted to XingYi (hsingi), BaGua (pakua) and Tai Chi (taiji).

Hsing I Martial Arts Institute

Teaching Xingyi, Bagua and Taiji as complete Chinese martial arts. Personal Training, Instructional Videos, Books and Articles on comprehensive internal training.

Xingyi Twelve Animals

Mike Patterson and Andrea Cheng teach full and comprehensive programs for the martial arts of XingYi (hsingi), BaGua (pakua) and Tai Chi (taiji). Come explore the wealth of information and discover the benefits that the Internal Martial Arts have to offer.

XingYiQuan (hsingichuan), BaGuaZhang (pakuachang) and TaiChiChuan (TaiJiQuan)are classified as Taoist Internal Martial Arts. They incorporate a wide range of trainings apart from the specific styles and forms to be found in these arts, including Chi Kung (Qi Gong), Meditation, Chin Na (Quinna), Throwing (Shuai), and Weaponry skills.

If you wish to pursue in person training in the Las Vegas area, contact us. You may learn in a one on one setting with a true master level teacher.

The Hsing I Martial Arts Institute and PHK Enterprises have partnered since 1978 to bring you instructional DVD and Book Titles You Can Actually Learn From! Numerous titles on Xingyi, Bagua, TaiJi and Liuhebafa. DVD's are Digitally Mastered with useful educational features such as Digital Slow Motion, Classroom Angles, Picture in Picture, Animation Overlays and more! Get Yours Today!

Visit our shop in the main navigation menu at the top of any page to view the numerous DVD products and books we have to offer on these subjects.

Want real training information on DVD? Check out our "real training" series below. Then check out our whole store by choosing “shop” in the main navigation drop down at top left of the page.

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Sale Price: $20.95 Original Price: $24.95
Sale Price: $20.95 Original Price: $24.95
Sale Price: $60.95 Original Price: $89.95

All images on this website are copyrighted images belonging to PHK Enterprises and are not "free for use" for any purpose. Violation of copyright carries significant penalties under the law.